Fire and smoke restoration

Contents / building cleaning
If your matter is urgent please call us on 0421 654 926
Service Overview
When your property has been affected by fire and smoke damage, the clean-up is about more than just four walls and a roof. We knows that what’s inside your property is important to you and therefore we are very diligent when it comes to our process.
Our expertise
Our team of fire and smoke restoration specialists in Melbourne take care of all your property’s contents and we work hard to help restore and salvage what we can.
Contents cleaning
We assist with your insurance to reduce stress.
When your property has been affected by fire and smoke damage, the clean-up is about more than just four walls and a roof. We knows that what’s inside your property is important to you and we promise it’s also important to us. Our team of fire and smoke restoration specialists in Melbourne take care of all your property’s contents and we work hard to help restore and salvage what we can.

Because we work with your insurance company to ensure the clean-up is done professionally and well, we help reduce your stress and help you get back into your property as quickly and smoothly as possible.Cleaning up your building is one thing, but looking after the fire and smoke damage to your contents is another aspect of our thorough, personalised service. For contents cleaning in Melbourne, or to find out how our fire and smoke restoration professionals in Melbourne help restore your home’s precious contents, contact us today – 1300 609 120.
Building cleaning
We assist with your insurance to reduce stress.
When your property has been affected by fire and smoke damage, the clean-up needs to be handled professionally and thoroughly.

Our team of fire and smoke restoration specialists in Melbourne take care of your property, from top to bottom. Rather than give you a quick fix that might make your property appear clean – we explore every aspect of your property to clean, repair and restore, ensuring any structural damage to your property’s foundations and structure is dealt with.

It’s our commitment to ensuring the safety of your property – thorough fire and smoke restoration services that help your property look as good as new again. We work with your insurance company to ensure the clean-up is done professionally and well – helping make the process of getting back into your property quick and smooth. To find out more about our building clean-up services and how our fire and smoke restoration professionals in Melbourne help restore your home, contact us today –  1300 609 120.

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